DeVilbiss DeKups DPC-11 Paint Gun Adapter - 802204

SKU #1806609
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The DeVilbiss DeKups DPC-11 Paint Gun Adapter is designed to allow you to properly fix a paint cup onto a paint gun. There are various paint gun systems available on the market, and this particular adapter is compatible with the following:

  • Sata NR95
  • Iwata LPH-400
  • Iwata W400LV
  • Astro GF14
  • Astro GF17
  • Astro GF20S

The DeVilbiss DeKups DPC-11 Paint Gun Adapter weighs 0.200 lbs. and its dimensions are 1" x 1" x 2". Please keep in mind that before starting a paint project, it is essential to wear protective gear for the eyes, skin, and respiratory system and always paint in a well-ventilated area.

We've neatly tucked away all of the important information on your new purchase, from assembly instructions to how-to-use videos to warranty information.

Item #
Manufacturer's Warranty
not available
Shipping Weight
not available
Product Type
not available
0.00" L x 0.00" W x 0.00" H
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